E006 – Why I Stopped Saying “When I'm Rich, I'll Donate”

Have you ever heard these myths about giving back: "I'll donate when I'm rich," "Money solves everything," or "I'll make a difference when I have more"?

Stay tuned as I debunk these myths and share the truth about making an impact at any income level. Get ready to discover a game-changing strategy for giving back.

Money is like a magnifying glass. If you're kind and generous today, you'll be even more kind and generous when you have more. But if you're stressed and busy today, guess what? You'll just be more stressed and busy with more money.


In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Hear about my experience attending Tony Robbins' famous Unleash the Power Within (UPW) event.

  • Discover a powerful tool called "the Wheel of Life" and how it can help prioritize your growth.

  • Embrace the impact of implementing the 1% income donation rule.

  • Simplify your impact by setting up automatic savings for your charity donations.


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Hi, I’m Juliette! ✨

Originally from France, I made the move to Canada with a vision to design my dream balanced life. And I know I am not alone. That’s why, I created this platform to meet the other go-getters of this world so we can all uplift each other, one objective at a time.


E007 – Emergency Funds, Fees, and 10% Rules: What I Learned from Financial Gurus


E005 – Chocolate: Good for You? The GOOD Chocolatier's Guide to Raw Cacao's Health Benefits