E001 – Building a Supportive Community for Personal Growth

Let me tell you a secret… The journey of self-development can sometimes be extremely lonely.

When you create a new version of yourself, you start talking about different topics, spending your time in different ways. And your social circle may not support that new personality of yours.

That’s why I created the Good in Motion podcast. I wanted a platform that helps me and you create our balanced life and connect with the other go-getters of Canada.

Let me tell you how…

When you start something new, well, it's going to suck a little bit at the beginning, but it's normal.


🍃 First, what is a balanced life?

For me, a balanced life is a a life where you have control over how you spend your time and can create a routine that makes you thrive. Thrive in your personal and professional projects.

A schedule that allows you to take care of both your mental health and your physical health.

👯 Creating a supportive community

A balanced life wouldn’t be complete without a strong social circle of supportive friends who are ready to back you up with your projects. Who tell you “You can do it!”, “If it’s important to you, let’s go!”

Even if you “fail”, they pick you back up because they are people who know that there is no failure if you learn something from the situation.

Even if you try new things and it’s not as great as you imagined, this community knows it’s part of the process. You have to try something to know if this is the right path for you or not. Guessing is not what’s going to bring you where you want to go.

🍁 Canadian-focused content

For the past years, a lot of the content I have been listening to are made in the US. And, don’t get me wrong, this content is amazing! It got me where I am today.

But I wish that we had more Canadian content highlighting Canadian brands, Canadian entrepreneurs, strong Canadian women. Women that I could meet in downtown Toronto without having to take a plane and cross the border.

I know we have amazing people here in Canada and that’s why I want to use this platform to interview them and learn about their products and services, their visions and their own routines.

👉 In all honesty…

…this podcast definitely comes from a personal need. I want to connect with like-minded people and learn more about Canadian brands.

I know that other individuals might be looking for the same things and I hope that through this platform I’m creating, we will connect!

For this reason, please be patient with me because, as I heard in some really good self-development content recently, when you start something new, well, it’s going to suck at the beginning a little bit but it’s normal.

So, thank you for your support while I navigate this new journey. Until next time, stay hydrated, my friends!


Good in Motion is supported by you, my community, and when you buy something I recommend, I may get an affiliate commission — but it never affects your price or what I pick.

Hi, I’m Juliette! ✨

Originally from France, I made the move to Canada with a vision to design my dream balanced life. And I know I am not alone. That’s why, I created this platform to meet the other go-getters of this world so we can all uplift each other, one objective at a time.


E002 – Outsmart Winter Fatigue with These 5 Simple Energy Hacks